رسائل عتاب و لوم |
ماعاد قلبي بعد هاليوم يغليك ..
دور على حب جديد يسليك ..
عذبت قلبي روح والله يهنيك
يا ربعي ويا خلاني
يا ساكنين أعياني
أرسلكم سلامي...
وبوسة على الأوجاني
سو اللي براسك ولا تذكر أسباب
لا صرت بايعني توكل على الله
لا عشق
لا حب
صارت انا عندي شهاده
الشخص محد يحبه
غير بس هم والدينه
كفكف دموعك ياقلبي فقد آن الرحيل ..
. سيرحل من عشقته امدا بعيد ..
وستبقى لي الذكرى زمن طويل ...
ياخيول العشق عودي للصهيل ..
ياحمام الشوق ابلغ من احب :
اني لارضى له بديل ..
ستظل عيناي تبكيه حتى الدمعه الاخيره او ازيد
مراح تغلبني لو الحب غلاب
من حضرتك عشان قلبي تذله
يَلّعْبّ عَلُيِ يْحّسَبْ أنَيّ مْنِ الَمْلاعَيِبّ مّادْرَى ِ أنَيِ عَلّىْ الَنْاسّ لَعْيبِ
رح واعتبرني واحد اذنب وتاب
ماني ثوب تلبسه ثمن تمله
حبيبي للوصل سبة وللفرقا كثير أسباب
وأنا صابر على ظلمك وجرح حيل مشقيني.
ماكنت شي وشلون ازعل لفرقاك
عادي وجودك كان وان رحت عادي
جايز اكون اول تعاطفت وياك
لكن فبالي كان تركك وكادي
لاتنفعل لاتثور لاتبرر خطاك
ماينفع الغرقان مد الايااادي'
أنا اللي قبلك مضحي..
ولاتحتاج لشرحي...
تدري ياسبب حزني وسبب جرحي...
ايدي اللي كتبت اسمك
بدت تمحي
فرصة سعيده وافترقنا على خير
كنت اتمنى تكون قسمة حياتي
هذا نصيبي واللي جنته المقادير
تبعد وأنا أبعد في سكون وسكاتي
ذ**** هذي وانتهت دون تفسير
صارت تسمى ماضي ذكرياتي
فرصة سعيده جمعتنا على خير
خلك بقايا ساكنه ماضياتي
في غيابك ماتغير أي شي بس حسيت أني فاقد كل شي
بصراحة كنت متعود أعيد هالسنة عيدين
ولكن هالحين..
فراقك صار ثالث اعيادي
بعض المواقف تجي وتروح ماتبقى
وبعض المواقف صداها بالعمر باقي
ياصاحبي لا معي تتعب ولا تشقى يتبدل الوقت وأخلاقي
هي أخلاقي إن جيت أرحب
وإن ما جيتني تبقى أكثر إنسان عزيته من أعماقي ..
تفضل وابتعد عني... ولايجي يوم تذكرني...
انا بس اللي قاهرني... غلاك اللي سكن فيني...
لاتجبر الناس ينسون اخطائك..
علم نفسك وشلون ماتخطي عليهم..
وأخيراً أبسألك ..!!
لو فرقتنا اليالي ..بتنساني..؟
وتقسى علي وتجفاني..؟
ولا بتكون وافي..؟
تخيل ..
لحظة غيابي..
ولا خبر وفاتي..
ياترى بتقول هم وإنزاح..؟
ولا بتقول أنا أفديــهااا بحيــااتي..؟
بذمتي لا أحطك بموقف حساب..
وأخليك بالدنيا تشوف القيامة
تنظر للناس بحب و إطراء
و أنا من دون الناس بلهاء
أستنى منك نظرة و أحسان
و إنت عني مو سألان
أحبك بكل لغات العالم
أفتخر إنك أخت
ما ولدتها أمي
وصديقة سكنها دمي
لاشفتك أنسى أحزاني وهمي
ترسل لكل الناس إلا أنا
ليش ماني مثل الناس
و لا غير أنا
صحيت ادور
من ينور صباحي
لقيتك اول من على البال طاري
انهنت في حبــك وانا حــر ما أنهان
والحــر ما يرجع لشخص يهينــه
والله احبــك حب والقلب ما خان
حا فظ عهوود الحب يومك تبينه !
بس للاسف ما أقدر على حب خوان
يمشى يشيل اسمى وبكره يهينه
مافي غيره سكن روحي...حبيبي وانا احبه
لــو قالوا تمنــى !! ... اتمنــى عمري قربــه
يعشقني وأنا مالي سوااه
أخرت مراسيلي لجل تشتاق واشتاق
واشوف بسمتك الي لها القلب يشتاق
صحيح الوقت فرق دروب كنا نمشيها
بس ما يقدر يفرق قلوب الغلا عايش فيهااا
بوس انا شاشتي لدقت ارقامك
ويفوح لي ريح عطرك واحضن الشاشه
الله مجملك من راسك لاقدامك
القلب مغمى عليه وقربك انعاشه
ازهم على الروح تلقى الروح قدامك
فديتك يالعنبو قلب معك العمر ماعاشه
تنداس دنيا الحب
بتراب تنداس
وينداس قلب
ما وفى مع خوية
بإمكاننا نبعد..
ونبقى على شـوق..
ما كان له داعي " نشوه " غلانا..
نعشق بعض بالذوق..
ونغيـب بالذوق..
تعكس مشـاعرنـا..
حقيقة هوانـا..,
اللهم مثلما زينت سماء كونك بنجومك
زين قلوب أصحابي بنور حبك
جمعة مباركه
تصور كذا واحنا بعاد..
يصير شي ماتتوقعه..
ياخذني منك رب العباد..
ويختفي صوتي وماتسمعه..
وتختفي عنك عيني ولا تلمحها..
تصور بس يجي هاليوم؟..
وتتحسر على مافات..
وتزيد في قلبك الهموم..
وتبكي فراقي..
قلي وقتها شتقول؟
وكيف احوالك؟.. مرتاح؟؟!
مسكنك روحي وقلبي ياغلاي
والعيون فراش وشوقي لك مشى
العمر غالي مادام انك معاي
ياعطوف القلب يارمز الوفا
جرح روحي بعدك وبيدينك دواي
أكتب ابياتي وشعري لك رسى
انت حبي وانت ارضي ياسماي
يشهد الله عنك قلبي ماغفى
ليتك تشوف اللي جرى وصار فيه,,,
وتشوف ماشفته وارء سود الايام
اخفي جروحي في ضميري خفيه,,,
كني سجين ينتظر حكم الاعـــدام
حكم القدر لاصار غصب عليــه,,,
مايمنع المكتوب تحطيم الارقـــام
Messages reproach and blame
Maad heart after Haleom يغليك ..
The role of the love NEW Acelik ..Tortured my heart the spirit of God يهنيك
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
O the Loya walk the quarters ofOh dwell OaaanaSalami sent you ...And kiss on Alawjani
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Sue who your head does not mention the reasons forNot become Baani trust in God
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
No loveNo loveThe most importantI have became CertificateSpecific person lovesIs ČÓ are not religiously
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Wipe off your tears repute has to leave ... Will leave from a remote عشقته lambda ..I will remain long anniversary ...Eachjul love Udi neigh ..
Aahmam longing told of love:I ground him an alternative ..
Will be my eyes crying until the last teardrop or more
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Marah Ngbanna if love GhellabHoudrtk Ashan heart تذله
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Playing on calculated I Almlaib Madre I for people to defect
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Welcomed and considered me one guilty and repentedMani dress worn by the price dictated by
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Habibi arrived ratio and difference are many reasonsI Saber wronged and tricks Mishqina injured.
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Makint Shi ćÔÜáćä Azaal VrkakNormal you are normal and I startedJays be the first sympathized WeyakBut Fbala was left you and CadyTo Atnfl Atthor اتبرر KhattakMainf drowning D Alayaaada '
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
I Word Association immolated ..I did not need to explain ...Unknowingly Aaspb sorrow and wound reason ...Eddie who wrote your nameSeemed to erase
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
A happy chance and we parted on goodI was hoping to be dividing my lifeThis is my share and rate committee IngredientsI am far away in silence and SkataY **** these are ended without explanationBecame known as past memoriesA happy chance brought us the bestKhalk remains static Maziata
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
In your absence Mangar Shi felt, but I lost everything
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Frankly, I wont re Halsna AydinBut Halehin ..Vrack became the third soul,
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Some positions Kyi and go Endowment
Some positions resonate age rest
Aasahabay me tired and not تشقى changed time and moralIs immoral Jet welcome
The what Jitni left more man Azith from deep down ..
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Favors and walked away from me ... Eiji on Me ...I Elly Qaherna just ... ŰáĂß who live Fini ...
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
To Atjbr people forget your mistakes ..Teach Yourself ćÔÜáćä Matakti them ..
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
DefaultFinally Ibsalk ..!!Then if our squad night .. Ptnsana ..?And hard on and Tgvani?The formation and AVI ..?Imagine ..Absentia moment ..The news of my death ..Wonder Ptcol are and إنزاح?Nor Ptcol I Avdahaaa Lakeaata ..?
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Bzmte neither Ahtk position account ..And Okhalak this world show Resurrection
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Look for people with love and praiseAnd I am without people idiotsOstny you look and AhsanAnd you me Moo SalanI love all the languages of the world
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
I am proud that you sisterWhat generated momAnd inhabited by friendly bloodTo I Ashvtk forget grief and placebo
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Sent to all people but IWhy Manny like peopleAnd is not I
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
:-) LadorLenore AMTo Qatk first to mind Tara
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Anhunt in love and I am what Onhan freeThe heat is attributed to someone insults himGod I love love and heart KhanPw rude Ahod love your day be seen!But unfortunately what I appreciate the love JuanWalks Yeşilay sublime and hate insults him
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Mavi other living soul ... darling and I love itIf they wished!! ... I hope I closenessAashgueni I Mali Soaah
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Delayed Mrassela Lgel longed and longedAnd ÇÔćÝ Basmtk to her heart yearnsTrue time difference we Disciplines NmchihaČÓ estimated differentiate hearts Algla Ayesh Fahaaa
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Boss I'm screens rang your numbersAnd smells to me Wind perfume and Ahoudn screenGod Mjof of your head to your feetHeart unconscious and close you resuscitateAzhm Spirit received the Spirit before thee,ÝĎíĘß Aanbo heart you old Maashh
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Minimum Tndas loveTndas dustAnd Indas heartIn خوية
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
We can keep .. awayWe remain longing ..What was his reason "distort" Glana ..Love some taste ..And they deny themselves taste ..Reflect our feelings ..Fact ĺćÇäÇ ..,
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
O as decorated sky being BenjomkZain the hearts of my friends with the light of loveJuma Mobarakeh
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Visualize well and we dimensions ..Becomes Shi Mataatoukah ..Take me from you the Lord of mankind ..And voice disappears and Matsamah ..And your eyes disappear and hinted ..Imagine but Uige Haleom? ..And laments Mavat ..The increase in heart worries ..And crying Vraci ..Frying and time Stcol?And how your affairs? .. Comfortable??!
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Your dwelling my soul and my heart JaglaaAnd eyes mattress and Shawki you walkedAge-Ghali as long as you are MaiAaatov heart Jarmz WafaGame and spiritual wound Bedenk DouaiWrite Abbiati and my hair you landedYou are my love and you land AasmaaGod is my witness you my heart Magvy
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Atk show who was and became a,,,The show vBulletin Home metamaterials black daysHide hidden wounds in my conscience,,,I am a prisoner awaiting the death sentenceRule much اصار grabbing him,,,Maymana written breaking
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Messages blame and reproach for Habib
Maad heart after Haleom يغليك ..
The role of the love NEW Acelik ..Tortured my heart the spirit of God يهنيك
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
O the Loya walk the quarters ofOh dwell OaaanaSalami sent you ...And kiss on Alawjani
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Sue who your head does not mention the reasons forNot become Baani trust in God
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
No loveNo loveThe most importantI have became CertificateSpecific person lovesIs ČÓ are not religiously
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Wipe off your tears repute has to leave ... Will leave from a remote عشقته lambda ..I will remain long anniversary ...Eachjul love Udi neigh ..
Aahmam longing told of love:I ground him an alternative ..
Will be my eyes crying until the last teardrop or more
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Marah Ngbanna if love GhellabHoudrtk Ashan heart تذله
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Playing on calculated I Almlaib Madre I for people to defect
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Welcomed and considered me one guilty and repentedMani dress worn by the price dictated by
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Habibi arrived ratio and difference are many reasonsI Saber wronged and tricks Mishqina injured.
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Makint Shi ćÔÜáćä Azaal VrkakNormal you are normal and I startedJays be the first sympathized WeyakBut Fbala was left you and CadyTo Atnfl Atthor اتبرر KhattakMainf drowning D Alayaaada '
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
I Word Association immolated ..I did not need to explain ...Unknowingly Aaspb sorrow and wound reason ...Eddie who wrote your nameSeemed to erase
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
A happy chance and we parted on goodI was hoping to be dividing my lifeThis is my share and rate committee IngredientsI am far away in silence and SkataY **** these are ended without explanationBecame known as past memoriesA happy chance brought us the bestKhalk remains static Maziata
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
In your absence Mangar Shi felt, but I lost everything
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Frankly, I wont re Halsna AydinBut Halehin ..Vrack became the third soul,
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Some positions Kyi and go Endowment
Some positions resonate age rest
Aasahabay me tired and not تشقى changed time and moralIs immoral Jet welcome
The what Jitni left more man Azith from deep down ..
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Favors and walked away from me ... Eiji on Me ...I Elly Qaherna just ... ŰáĂß who live Fini ...
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
To Atjbr people forget your mistakes ..Teach Yourself ćÔÜáćä Matakti them ..
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
DefaultFinally Ibsalk ..!!Then if our squad night .. Ptnsana ..?And hard on and Tgvani?The formation and AVI ..?Imagine ..Absentia moment ..The news of my death ..Wonder Ptcol are and إنزاح?Nor Ptcol I Avdahaaa Lakeaata ..?
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Bzmte neither Ahtk position account ..And Okhalak this world show Resurrection
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Look for people with love and praiseAnd I am without people idiotsOstny you look and AhsanAnd you me Moo SalanI love all the languages of the world
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
I am proud that you sisterWhat generated momAnd inhabited by friendly bloodTo I Ashvtk forget grief and placebo
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Sent to all people but IWhy Manny like peopleAnd is not I
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
:-) LadorLenore AMTo Qatk first to mind Tara
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Anhunt in love and I am what Onhan freeThe heat is attributed to someone insults himGod I love love and heart KhanPw rude Ahod love your day be seen!But unfortunately what I appreciate the love JuanWalks Yeşilay sublime and hate insults him
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Mavi other living soul ... darling and I love itIf they wished!! ... I hope I closenessAashgueni I Mali Soaah
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Delayed Mrassela Lgel longed and longedAnd ÇÔćÝ Basmtk to her heart yearnsTrue time difference we Disciplines NmchihaČÓ estimated differentiate hearts Algla Ayesh Fahaaa
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Boss I'm screens rang your numbersAnd smells to me Wind perfume and Ahoudn screenGod Mjof of your head to your feetHeart unconscious and close you resuscitateAzhm Spirit received the Spirit before thee,ÝĎíĘß Aanbo heart you old Maashh
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Minimum Tndas loveTndas dustAnd Indas heartIn خوية
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
We can keep .. awayWe remain longing ..What was his reason "distort" Glana ..Love some taste ..And they deny themselves taste ..Reflect our feelings ..Fact ĺćÇäÇ ..,
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
O as decorated sky being BenjomkZain the hearts of my friends with the light of loveJuma Mobarakeh
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Visualize well and we dimensions ..Becomes Shi Mataatoukah ..Take me from you the Lord of mankind ..And voice disappears and Matsamah ..And your eyes disappear and hinted ..Imagine but Uige Haleom? ..And laments Mavat ..The increase in heart worries ..And crying Vraci ..Frying and time Stcol?And how your affairs? .. Comfortable??!
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Your dwelling my soul and my heart JaglaaAnd eyes mattress and Shawki you walkedAge-Ghali as long as you are MaiAaatov heart Jarmz WafaGame and spiritual wound Bedenk DouaiWrite Abbiati and my hair you landedYou are my love and you land AasmaaGod is my witness you my heart Magvy
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Atk show who was and became a,,,The show vBulletin Home metamaterials black daysHide hidden wounds in my conscience,,,I am a prisoner awaiting the death sentenceRule much اصار grabbing him,,,Maymana written breaking
Messages blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach Hbebarsaúl blame and reproach for Habib
Messages blame and reproach for Habib
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